In the News

"The frustrating thing about this time and what has happened with the split in the United Methodist Church, is that there have been deeply held divisions in that denomination for decades, and unfortunately folks who wanted to break up the United Methodist Church put all their effort into scapegoating gay people for why the United Methodist Church can no longer continue as it was known to be."
The split is “a resolution that’s going to free the Methodist church to share love unconditionally with all people,” said Andrew Ponder Williams

"We’ve had the schism. We just don’t know what’s next,” said Andrew Ponder Williams.

The church is us -- people with a story of courage and fulfillment in living out our lives as God created us to. People who have experienced miracles and moments we can’t explain in the midst of trying times and the fear that we won’t be safe or accepted. People who love their neighbors and want to help them.

Minister Andrew Williams, who lives in north Scottsdale with his husband, said Scottsdale is a place where he feels they are meaningful members of the community.
“For my husband and I, the nature of the work that you are doing fits who Scottsdale is and will only help Scottsdale grow in its diversity, in its tolerance and also in its ability to be a role model for our state and our region,” he said.

In 2012, Williams was a delegate to the United Methodist General Conference and was elected to chair the committee on LGBTQ matters. After this year’s vote, he joined The Show to talk about it, saying he was disappointed, but not entirely surprised.
The Other Convention
PBS Documentary