Nurturing UCC Identity
Communicating passion for the oneness of the Body of Christ.
that they may all be one (John 17:21)

Art in Downtown Los Angeles
When I think of Christ's work through the church I think of some incredible art I have seen in sacred and secular spaces alike.
In a hotel and office building in Downtown Los Angeles there is a wall covered in tiny teal and purple people. They form a lattice pattern by each one holding up the feet of the person above them with their hands. To me this is a visual expression of our oneness through Christ. We aren't just all connected passively, but Christ invites each of us to support our neighbor-to lift them up so they can live out their baptismal call.
In San Francisco at Grace Episcopal Cathedral there once were thousands of rainbow colored threads that dropped down from the ceiling. Although there were so many threads of so many different colors when viewing the art they all appeared as one. Discerning the presence and identity of any one string on its own was a futile effort. The threads were only beautiful because they were together. To me this is another visual expression of not only our oneness in Christ, but the beauty of our shared witness as the church.
As a Pastor I view my role as lifting and engaging others through God's loving spirit. When we in ministry offer expressions of God's unconditional love through sharing Christ's example we acknowledge that we are able to lift each other up because Christ is walking alongside us as well.
(Acknowledging Jesus Christ as the sole Head of the Church.)

Art at Grace Episcopal Cathedral in San Francisco
My home church is Desert Palm United Church of Christ where I was blessed to serve and to be a member (Holding active membership in a Local Church of the United Church of Christ.)

Participating in the Various settings of the UCC, including Local Churches, Associations, Conferences, General Synods, and global ministries.
Member of the Board Directors of the United Church of Christ (Class of 2031) where I serve on the Executive Committe
Preached at churches and built relationships across the Southwest Conference as I connected congregations to the work of our campus ministry
Formerly convened a working group of UCC campus ministers and chaplains from across the country to share our learnings in our contexts and collaborate around a consistent UCC witness on college campuses
Have worked with multiple UCC congregations in how to broadcast our distinct UCC identity to the world to grow the church (Knowing and appreciating UCC history, polity, and theology.)
Served as a 2021 General Synod delegate from the Southwest Conference of the UCC and presented a petition to the plenary
Served as a 2023 General Synod delegate from the Vermont Conference
Was a guest on a UCC podcast where I shared about my learnings with online ministry with the larger church (
I view all my ministry as in and on behalf of the UCC. New forms of ministry offer us an incredible opportunity to bridge the local church, our conference, and our larger community so in need of our witness anew. This is also a wonderful space in which I am able to invite my colleagues from other traditions and faiths to be a part of interfaith dialogue and collaboration.
Collegiate and young adult ministry is a passion of mine, but also a meaningful aspect of my call to local church ministry. I don't believe campus ministries should be independent beings-they need to be rooted in the local church. We are not able to nurture a new generation of faith if the participants are never fully included or connected with the larger church family. For the young and old alike the opportunity to worship together and grow in their faith together is tranformative and purposeful.
My Commitment to the Search & Call Process
A transformative aspect of my experience as a Pastor in the UCC is my growth in my openness to following God's call wherever it might present itself. I believe in the UCC Search and Call process and am committed to exploring opportunities for ministry across our church. I believe that by looking broadly clergy and congregations can find a meaningful fit. I am thankful for my husband's support of my commitment to this process and we are both humbled by how the Holy Spirit has made us more open to where God might lead us to serve.

United Church of Christ Board of Directors meeting in Cleveland

Presenting to the online 2021 General Synod
(Knowing and appreciating UCC history, polity, and theology.)
Andrew Ponder Williams and I have worked together in the Campus Ministry Program sponsored by Desert Palm United Church of Christ and the Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ. This ministry is primarily focused on the Arizona State University Campus in Tempe, Arizona. Andrew initiated the program in the Spring of 2020 and In these few months of development he has given life and direction to this work. He has reached out to all the Churches in the Southwest Conference, developed a core of students who meet and make connections to others, and established a presence and leadership among other religious groups and the LGBTQ community. This accomplishment reflects the qualities of his person through keen awareness, initiative, enthusiasm, careful planning, and engaging others to join as a community in this work. All these gifts are guided by an open and forward looking faith and deep commitment to the Church. I personally enjoy working as a member of the support committee and relish our meetings which he uses for consultation and reflection on the progress of the ministry.Andrew’s skills and vision in developing his capacity in ministry are integrated deeply in his very person and reflect a rich capacity for continuing growth.
Rev. James W. Ewing, Ph.D.
Retired UCC Clergy
Exhibiting a commitment to the core values of the UCC:
Continuing Testament-the photo below is of the tunnel Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. walked through to safely get to the pulpit of the Riverside Church in New York City. I am grateful for our emphasis on celebrating that God is still speaking-especially through the voices of yesterday and today that call on us all to tear down racism and reimagine our society.
Extravagant Welcome-the photo below is of some of my former University of California-Irvine students offering a free cookie and encouragement to every student who walked by as a way to invite others to join our campus ministry.
Changing Lives-the photo below is also from my UCI campus ministry and our weekly dinner group where students could come for a free meal and experience a safe space to share about and explore their faith.

Continuing Testament
Extravagant Welcome

Changing Lives
I had the privilege of serving on the Desert Palm Discernment Committee for Andrew Ponder Williams which I believe gives me insight. I have been greatly impressed with Andrew’s process and decision making in class courses he has already taken and his plans for completion of the remaining classes. His commitment and energy to complete his classes has been at a remarkable pace. His energy and enthusiasm in working with the youth has been inspiring. I co-host as the second adult with Andrew and the youth once a month and am so impressed with how engaged as well as rapport there is between Andrew and the young people. He has shown his creativity and problem solving in the manner he has dealt with behavior issues. In particular, he created a covenant for each youth to agree and sign, the co-hosts were also involved along with the parents. It was introduced to the youth with a history and understanding of UCC people being covenant people and what that means. Found this to be very impressive and meaningful and the covenant continues to serve as a reminder when needed. Andrew has also participated in Sunday morning worship as worship leader or preacher very effectively. Andrew has been an excellent addition to the Desert Palm UCC staff.
Jo Vredenburg
Desert Palm Discernment Committee member